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Early Bird Discounts

Introduction  to Hill Walking

Join us for a beginner-friendly weekend designed to introduce you to the joys of hill walking in the UK's picturesque upland areas. This experience is perfect for those with no prior hill walking or navigation experience. In fact, it's especially suited for individuals who may have never explored hills or upland regions before.


Throughout the weekend, we will dedicate up to 6 hours each day to hill walking. Our goal is to provide you with the essential skills and knowledge needed to confidently embark on hill walks independently. By the end of our time together, you'll feel equipped and confident to navigate the hills and uplands on your own, using various routes and tracks. This is more than just a walk; it's the start of your journey in exploring the great outdoors!

  • Navigation - we will  introduce the basics of navigation on lowland/fell terrain. 

  • Kit preparation - prior to setting off we will talk through the equipment we need to take with us and how to pack our rucksacks

  • Planning & Pace - we will talk about planning routes, understanding pace, distance and our own limits

  • Weather - sources of forecasts and how weather can affect our choice of route, when to turn back and even if we should venture out at all.

  • Safety - hazards on the hills and what to do in an emergency


March 15th - 17th: confirmed 

April 19th - 21st: confirmed

May 17th - 19th: confirmed

We will be operating our courses from our Cumbria base throughout the summer with dates to be announced shortly. 

Join our mailing list to receive updates and news about our activities and events. 

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Accommodation is provided for 2 nights as follows:


Dalesbridge Campsite and Cabins


Near Settle 


(Located on the A65 by Austwick)


Be aware we use bunkhouse accommodation within a shared accommodation. Please note sleeping arrangements are in a single room with up to 6 people.


Options: camping pods and tent pitch options available. (subject to limited availability)


No Accommodation options: If you would prefer to source your own accommodation or live locally please select 'No Accommodation' option at check-out.

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